Usui Reiki Ryoho is an energy system of healing on all levels. Let’s call it Usui Reiki for short reference. It comes from the Japanese words “REI,” meaning spirit, soul, Universal God and “KI,” meaning life energy force, breath of life. This style of hands on healing was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui a medical doctor who was a kind, well read man, with a vast knowledge of medicine, psychology and theology of religions around the world. In the late 1800s he went to Mt. Kurama in Japan to meditate. During his stay there, he had a profound spiritual experience that led to the knowledge of a healing energy technique he called Reiki. Basically, Reiki means “Healing with Divine Spirit Energy”.
The body’s energy flow can stagnate where there has been physical injury or even emotional stress and pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause inflammation, stagnant lymphatics and possible chronic illness. A Reiki treatment aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture and acupressure. Reiki healing helps stimulate the flow of energy around the body enabling deeper relaxation, open the lymphatic system, relieve pain inflammation, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of chronic illness.
I learned Reiki to Master teacher level over twenty years ago. And in the last 8 years I have learned extensively about the lymphatic system and how it works and how important it is to focus on it. In my Reiki sessions I incorporate wonderful technique of Chakra reading with pendulum and then balancing with Reiki.
More information on the Chakras below 👇.
My daughter Nicolette and I trained together under the same Reiki master Jan Wright in Chico CA. We are partnering together as a mother and daughter team to offer a highly energetically healing session we call 4-Handed Reiki. Both Nicolette and I treat a client with Reiki at the same time. This is wonderful for deep healing and releasing blockages that may have been difficult to release. We are thrilled to be bringing this to our clients.
Please contact us to schedule.
The chakra are dynamic vortexes which are true health redefined. Each given the correct energy brings about chakra balancing. Each has it’s own specific energy frequency and level of consciousness and memories of information. Each has it own glands with unique hormones, chemistry and neurological complexes like small brains if you will. As I explain each center you may recognize what thoughts and emotions that relate to that chakra that maybe you have experienced.
Chakra energies change in response to how a person perceives the environment outside and inside the body.
Change your perception, change your biology. The chakras and body are always self correcting.
Located at the perineum, base of the spine, coccygeal plexus. It reigns over the vicinity of the sex organs, the glands that are connected to the vagina and penis, the prostate(man), the bladder, the lower bowel and the anus. This center has to do with reproduction and procreation, elimination, sexuality and sexual identity. Their hormones estrogen and progesterone and testosterone and correlated to the center.
This chakra stores and produces a tremendous amount of creative energy. The energy that creates life. It provides grounding for the body. It's the survival aspect of the system connection to mother earth.
The body parts connected to this chakra are the legs, feet, bones, large intestine, and teeth.
The sense of smell is connected to the first chakra
Foods that nourish this chakra are proteins. Eating is the first chakra's activity, so eating wholesome foods build a healthy foundation in the 1st chakra.
Healing sounds for this chakra are "O" (as in rope)and Lam.
Essential oils which benefit this chakra are
sandlewood, patchouli, grounding, and ylang ylang.
To ultimately heal and master this chakra you have to truly accept your body, nurture it and love it to the very core.
Located behind and slightly below the navel. It regulates the ovaries, uterus, colon pancreas and low back. It has to do with consumption, digestion, elimination and the breaking down of food into energy with digestive enzymes and juices as well as the enzymes and hormones that balance your blood sugar levels.
This chakra is related to social networks, community, relationships, family, cultures and interpersonal relationships. It the energy for holding on or letting go for example consuming and eliminating. When this chakra is balanced you feel safe and secure in your perception of your environment. Foods that fortify this chakra are water, juices and broths.
Healing sounds for this chakra are “Oo”, as in “due” and Vam.
Essential oils that assist healing of this chakra are sandalwood, patchouli, sage and YL Acceptance.
“Pleasure and emotions are the root of desire. Through desire we create movement through movement we create change. Spiritual consciousness thrives on change. This is the essence and function of the second chakra.” Excerpt from “Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith, Ph.D.
Located in the center of your gut. It regulates the adrenal glands, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, spleen, liver and gall bladder. From this it regulates the hormones adrenaline, cortisol, the kidney hormones, digestive hormones and enzymes and liver enzymes.
This chakra is associated with our will power, determination to complete tasks and self esteem. When this chakra is in balance a person is more apt to use their will to overcome their negative perceptions of their environment and bodily conditions. This chakra becomes activated naturally based on your perception of you environment when it is thought unsafe or you need to use your body to obtain something you think you want. To help heal and balance this chakra you’d want to focus on perceiving your environment from a space of love more and more consistently. In that way, it gives it the opportunity to relax and heal.
The sense of sight is connected to the third chakra. Foods that nourish this chakra are starches which are converted into energy food and sugars, relating to the fire element.
Healing sounds for this chakra are Ram and Ah as in word father.
Essentials oils which can benefit this chakra are fennel and juniper.
This chakra is the churning of the earth and water of the lower chakra transforming them into energy and power, the power of digestion. Without this fire we wouldn’t have the “will” to accomplish anything.
Often called the heart center this chakra is located in the chest. It regulates the heart, lungs, and thymus gland. The hormones produced from these organs and glands are the growth hormones, oxytocin and thousands of other chemicals initiate the immune systems that are responsible for growth, repair and regeneration.
The fourth chakra is the love center. Where nurturing, caring, gratitude, compassion, thankfulness, appreciation, kindness, inspiration, trust, etc. is felt. It’s where the soul is centered. When it is balanced, we love life we care about others, and we want to do good things for the community.
The sense attached is connected to this chakra. Food that nurses, the chakra are vegetables. Vegetables are a product of photosynthesis and trapping the vital energy of the sunlight and combining with earth, air, fire, and water. Vegetables tend to be either yin or yang. Meaning they are more balancing for the heart chakra healing of the chakra are Lam and Ay as in “play”.
Essential oils that can benefit, the chakra are sandalwood, Bergamot and rose. At the fourth chakra we connect to spirit, move through spirit and connect with reality as we feel it to be.
Love is the ultimate healing force.
The fifth chakra is located at the center of your throat. It regulates the thyroid, parathyroid, the saliva glands, and the tissues of the neck. The hormones associated with this chakra are the thyroid hormones and the parathyroid hormones that regulates calcium utilization and metabolism.
This chakra is about expressing the love you feel from the fourth chakra. It’s about expressing your truth and belief’s without fear and coming from love. When balanced you speak your truth in a loving way.
The sense of hearing is connected to the chakra. Foods that nourish this chakra are fruits. Fruits are the highest on the food chain, because no killing of plant or animal is required to harvest them.
The healing sounds of the chakra are Ham and Eee.
Essential oils that can benefit, the chakra are sandalwood, rose and eucalyptus.
The fifth shock is the center of communication through sound and creativity. Communication allows us to transcend the physical limitations. Communicating brings forth connection and unity.
The sixth chakra is found in the area between the back of the throat and the back of the head or the center of the brain slightly towards the back of the head. It regulates the pineal gland, called the third eye. It’s the gateway to viewing other realms. It allows the perception to shift to a boarder dimension.
When this chakra is open and awakened the miracles begin to occur. This usually occurs when a person has truly let go of fears and worries and trust the spiritual connection and the innate intelligence. An energetic stimulation occurs in this chakra which causes the pineal gland to become the master alchemist. In this chakra hormones like serotonin, melatonin and a whole host of metabolites are stimulated to be produced. In balance, this chakra brings balance to the mind and whole brain function. A person become more aware and able to perceives everything with deeper meaning.This chakra provides the gift of seeing the world and the inner light.
The sixth chakra is connected to the eyes, ears and nose.
The foods which may nourish this chakra are of blue or purple colors. As a person connects to energies of the higher chakras the need for food decreases.
The healing sound of this chakra and the seventh is “Om” as in “mmmm”.
Essential oils that can benefit this chakra are jasmine, carrot seed, Melissa, Chamomile, Rose and Clary Sage.
This is the chakra of mastering your perception of the world.
The seventh chakra is located in the center of your head which includes the pituitary gland. This gland is called the master gland because it regulates and brings harmony below to the pineal gland, thyroid/parathyroid glands, thymus gland, adrenal glands, pancreatic gland, and down to the sexual glands. This chakra is where the feeling of divinity is strongest felt. When in balance a person is in harmony with everything.
The foods that nourish the seventh chakra are again similar to the sixth chakra blue and purple fruit and vegetables mainly concentrating with fruits.
The healing sound would again be “Ohm”.
Essential oils that maybe beneficial are Fennel, Clary sage, Lemongrass and Rosemary to name a few.
This Chakra is about hormone messaging management.
The eighth chakra manifests about 16 inches above the head. Because of this it is the only chakra not associated with an a part of the physical body. It’s the connection to the spiritual universe.When in balance a person feels worthy to receive insights and deeper understandings on a spiritual level like miracle manifestations and healings. This chakra enables people to access the information from the spiritual, quantum field or whatever name a person chooses to call the power of information greater than ourselves.
No foods nourish this center other than water fasting.
No healing sounds are need for this chakra. Silence and peaceful mind foster this chakra.
Essential oils that may benefit this chakra would be Cistus, Rose, Spikenard, Hyssops and Frankincense.
This chakra is about opening up to spiritual information, opening up to the love of the spiritual energy.
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