I have advanced trainings in Bowen Therapy which origins started with Tom Bowen in Australia in the 1950’s. It’s a holistic, gentle soft tissue technique which is profoundly effective in shifting the body out of a stressful degenerative and pain cycle into a state of regenerative healing and repair. It helps to balances the ANS(Autonomic Nervous System). Through the rolling, skin-slack moves signals are initiated into the body which override the stuck patterns/programs that were running. This reprogramming response awakens the body’s cellular memory to it’s balanced healthy program. In my experience the body always wants to heal. The body always knows how to heal. It’s the traumas, often the emotions be it an injury or traumatic emotional grievance, that gets in the way of the body balancing and healing itself. Miraculously Bowen Therapy usually shifts this incorrect perception occurring in the body to a balance perception of the nervous system. Simply then the body literally remembers how to heal. The receptors founds on all cells in the body get an update to heal. Usually the most urgent issue gets resolved first. This sometimes may not be the main issue a client perceives is more important, but do not give up because gradually and holistically everything will be balanced and healed to the best of the body’s abilities. And, very importantly, the client emotionally and mentally accepts the healing to occur. I have many helpful suggestions for clients to use between our sessions. Being a gentle therapy it works well with infant care to elderly care. There are no age limits.
How quickly Bowen works is dependent upon each individual but generally you can expect results to start appearing within 3 to 5 sessions. Clients often come in for tune ups every month or few months to rebalance. In stressful times more often.
The session generally last approximately 45 minutes to an hour in therapy. First session tend to be longer.
Below is some of the conditions that Bowen may help address, but since it is a holistic therapy it addresses a lot more.
Vagus Nerve Regeneration and Balancing
Digestive Disorders
Respiratory Disorders
Skin issues
Autoimmune issues
Sinus and ear issues
Thyroid issues
Carpal Tunnel
Infertility issues
Breast issues
Pregnancy care
Fatigue(general and chronic)
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue symptoms
Eye problems
Immunity problems
Fertility protocols
If you have any questions and/or would like an appointment please contact me. Looking forward to sharing this uniquely healing technique with you.
Thomas Ambrose Bowen was born on April 18, 1916 in Brunswick, Victoria. He died on 28 October 1982 at the age of 66 years. He was the third child and only son of William and Norah Bowen, who emigrated in 1910 from the UK to Australia.
Tom Bowen was a humble and generous man who made an incredible contribution to healing therapies around the world after he developed a dynamic hands modality on called Bowen Therapy. The results from treatments seem to be miraculous to say the least. It’s like a touch from God, if I maybe so bold. Results like children and adults learning to walk again after being crippled and in braces, lifelong health issues resolved and many a client saved from the surgeon’s knife.
After serving in World War II, Mr. Bowen became interested in new ways of alleviating human suffering. He studied physical therapies and had what he called it “A Gift from God“. He noticed that when he made certain (Bowen)moves on a body, the body would often respond in a positive manner. Mr. Bowen developed and refined of his technique without training in any particular healthcare field to guide him.
Tom Bowen started to treat people in the evenings around 1957 after his day job at a cement works factory. He would not charge for his treatments, working into the early hours of the morning. He would make house calls to sick children. He worked like this for many years before he started to accept donations for his treatments. Eventually he moved into an old doctor’s clinic and began to run the clinic full time. Typically Tom would treat up to sixty-five people per day in the clinic and then he would go off to do the home visits. On more than one occasion, when Tom asked assistant Rene not to close their book so they could see how many they could treat, it was in excess of 100 per day, children were always treated for free. In 1973, when Tom was interviewed for registration, which was later declined, he indicated that he was treating around 250 people per week!
Tom’s own granddaughter suffered from a disability and died at an early age. In her memory, Tom ran a free clinic for children with disabilities, twice a month on Saturday mornings. From asthmatics to disabled children, Tom devoted his life to the children, who often called him ‘Uncle Tom’.
Tom also worked with many of the sports clubs in and around Geelong, often driving all over Geelong and the surrounding district on a Saturday afternoon, attending to injured footballers. He would then treat them and others on Saturday evenings back. These treatments were also given freely. He was known for attending the Geelong jail on many a Sunday morning to treat injured inmates. He assisted the Victoria police, treating them at all hours of the day and night. He was acknowledged for this work by being made an honorary member of the Geelong Crime Car squad, he was only the second member of the public to be given such an award. The list goes on of all the achievements that Tom with his assistant Rene attained together, from TV personalities and opera singers to a Melbourne Cup racehorse, he treated them all with amazing results.
Many people came to observe his clinic and the therapy he continued to develop.
Tom invited Oswald Rentsch to learn after a handshake at a conference, such was Tom Bowen’s ability to recognize the power of an individual’s touch. Ossie Rentsch started teaching his interpretation of his work in 1986 and it is due to Ossie Rentsch that the work did indeed become as widespread around the world as it is today. I took classes from Ossie and his wife Elaine Rentsch.
The following is a quote that befits Tom Bowen.
"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
Etienne Grellet 1773-1855
As you may see Tom Bowen was indeed a very gifted and generous man. I’m honored to have learned all that I have of this very profound technique.
These are suggestions and recommendations I give to clients to assist their body to integrate their Bowen session for the best possible outcome.
On Day of Before Session
•Please do not eat a heavy meal before a couple of hours before treatment. Light snacks are okay.
•Drink plenty of water.
•Try not to rush about before your session. Meditating or listening to calming music maybe helpful.
•Please turn off all electronic devices during your session if you can manage.
On Day of After Session
•Please get up and move around if you are sitting any longer then 30 minutes.
•Drink plenty of water to help better hydrate your body.
•Go for a nice walk.
•Refrain from strenuous activities.
•Please no extreme water temperatures when bathing or showering on this day and for the next few days.
Days After the Session (7 days or until your next session 7-10 days)
•Continue to drink water and stay hydrated.
•Walking everyday is highly recommended. Walking moves the lymphatic system and helps heal.
•Be careful of strenuous activities. Listen to your body.
•Magnesium baths or foot soaks are good.
Please avoid heel lifts and any sort of magnetic therapy tools.
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